Chiara Maggi

No time for language classes? Learn, speak, and practice when you can

Keep taking language courses but you still can’t speak? You would like to learn Italian, French, or Dutch but you are too tired after work to go to language class?

I can help.


I am from Italy and I am 27. I moved to the Netherlands for work in October 2022 with my girlfriend, but at the beginning, I didn’t feel the need to learn the local language. Only after 1 year, I realized that learning Dutch was the only way to feel part of the community and to have a social life. So I started working with Chiara, I was inspired by her method which fits perfectly with my tight calendar, and I understood since the beginning that I was not going to waste my time, as it usually happens with language courses. She is really keen on working towards a common objective, and you can grasp her passion for her job. After 5 months I already feel more confident in stepping in conversations with my colleagues, and we are also trying to talk only in Dutch. I am very surprised by the incentives to learn more that this method triggers in my daily life.

– Giovanni, analyst in the Netherlands

I have been working with Chiara to improve my French for more than 6 months now, and I would recommend her classes to anyone interested in learning a new language, French as well as any other that Chiara masters. Chiara is an excellent, always-positive, dedicated, and patient teacher. She helped me grow my French from an absolute zero to something around B2 with impressive steadiness and quality content. Chiara’s methodology is versatile, flexible, and engaging, regardless of your level in your target language. I recommend starting with, at least, a 2-month engagement, and you’ll be delighted by the progress you’ll start seeing by the end of it. I couldn’t recommend enough Chiara’s lessons to anyone interested in learning a new language!

– Marco, Italian business analyst in France

The best part of this chatting method was learning everything based on my own mistakes which helped me to memorize them all better and use them in my real and probable situations. It was very challenging at first, I should have write down everything but after a while, I could speak in many situations immediately. Another significant item was that I didn’t have definite free time for classes and I studied mostly at midnight. I could listen to my voice and its corrected forms anytime.

– Dorsa, Pharmacy student in Italy

Sono docente presso una università delle Fiandre in Belgio. Avevo la necessità di allenare il mio olandese parlato per poter meglio interagire con i miei colleghi al lavoro. Ho trovato il metodo di Chiara molto utile per poter migliorare la lingua con grande flessibilità di orari, grazie al supporto a distanza e tramite le registrazioni vocali. In tutto ciò, ricevendo comunque feedback puntuali da parte dell’insegnante. In generale, sono molto soddisfatta dell’esperienza!

– Chiara, KU Leuven, Belgium

Having worked with Chiara for more than 3 months, I gotta say it’s a perfect experience as not only she’s professional and friendly at the same time but also the flexible schedules are perfect for students and those who want to practice italian at their own time but at the same time being supervised at any given moment and ask their questions. At the end I had a great experience with her and her method and will recommend to all of my friends too.

– Arya, IT student in Italy

Quando stavo per iniziare questo breve corso, non ero sicuro di quanto sarebbero efficaci quattro lezioni di mezz’ora e messaggi vocali. Ora che ho completato l’ultimo compito di questo corso, posso dire che questa attività è stata più efficace di quanto immaginavo. I messaggi vocali su whatsapp forse sembrano essere molto facili all’inizio, ma quando ci entri vedrai che ha bisogno di molta più concentrazione ed energia di quello che immagini. Personalmente, ho avuto bisogno di tre giorni per ogni messaggio 🙂

– Mojtaba, engineer in Italy

I have been learning a few languages and I found Chiara’s method a new and fast way to improve my speaking and I feel I can prepare for my work meetings and presentations.

– Amin, engineer in the Netherlands

Sono una studentessa Iraniana,vivo a Milano di un anno, mi sono bloccata quando volevo parlare con gli altri, fare gli esercizi mi ha fatto parlare senza troppo intransigenza, e un punto molto positivo era quando mi rispondevi , continuavi a chiedere altre cose , così ho la possibilità di avere una conversazione reale.

– Mona, Fine Arts student in Italy

I like doing these exercises for many reasons, firstly because the topics were useful and interesting. Secondly, speaking with an Italian like you gives me the opportunity to practise and repeat the vocabulary and grammar I learnt before, enriching them with new elements, and also to understand the correct pronunciations, which are the best things in learning a language. I love your method and I think it makes the learning process easier and faster.

– Ladan, engineering student in Italy


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